Welcome to the Barnegat Police Department’s on-line crime reporting system.
If you have an emergency, or the crime you want to report is happening right now, do NOT use this form; dial “911”.
If you need to report a minor crime involving the theft of property, car break-in, vandalism, etc., please complete and send us this electronic crime report.
• This on-line report form should only be used for the crimes indicated in the check boxes appearing after these instructions. If it doesn’t fit into one of these categories, then you should report the crime in person at police headquarters (900 West Bay Avenue) or by telephone at (609) 698-5000. Stolen Vehicles cannot be reported on this form.
• Please complete as many lines of the report as you possibly can. This will help us investigate the crime that you are reporting and/or screen it for potential investigation. Please provide as much information as possible.
• If you need to report more than one type of crime (or multiple instances), please send us a separate Report Form for each one.
• IMPORTANT NOTE: Knowingly submitting a false Police Report is a crime under the State of New Jersey Code of Criminal Justice.
You cannot use this on-line form to report:
Any type of violent crime, including: personal assault, kidnapping, robbery, etc.
Any type of sex crime, including: rape, sexual assault, etc.
Any type of stolen vehicle, including: trucks, cars, trailers, motorcycles, etc.
Any lost/stolen license plates.
Any type of traffic accident, whether there was an injury or not.
Any type of court order violation such as violation of restraining order, violation of child custody order, etc.
Any crime involving a weapon.
Incidents submitted via this form are reviewed to ensure that an offense has been committed prior to a report being completed. If it is determined that an offense has not been committed, no report will be completed. If it is determined that an offense occurred, the associated report will generally be available in 3-5 business days. Contact records at 609-698-5000 ext 210 for copies of reports.
Fields with an asterisk ( * ) and in RED are required- you must fill them out to get a report number.
*=Required Field